New Year – New Officers

On Friday 12th January we held our Annual General Meeting and first Delegate meeting of the year. The officers for 2024 are as follows:
President: William Caughey
Vice Presidents: Joe Jackson, David Dickson, Patricia Gibson, Alan Hunter, Allan Davison, Stephen Kennedy and our newest member Joe Cassells.
Chairperson: David Leonard
Vice-Chairperson: Nigel Brodison
Secretary: Amber MacLennan
Assistant Secretary: Denise Gilchrist
Treasurer: Paul Kirk
Executive Members: Jeanette Morton, Vicky McAuley

So welcome to our new Executive Members, Denise and Vicky.

And thank-you to our departing members, Allan, Julie-Anne, Tommy and Aaron for all their work over the year(s). We still know where to find you!

In particular, we would like to note that Allan Davison has hung up his Chairman’s hat for the second (or third?) time after 35+ years being involved in the organisation. Allan has dedicated much of his life to running brass bands in one shape or another and we hope he enjoys only having to worry about getting to his tuba onto the contest stage and not everything else!