BBL Zoom meeting 02 Oct 20

The details for our Zoom meeting have been sent out today to everyone who has confirmed they are attending.

If your rep doesn’t receive them, please let me know so we can get it sorted for Friday!

Please remember that every affiliated band is allowed up to three representatives and unaffiliated bands are also invited to send one representative.

We made the decision to discuss the BBL and NIBA rules in the first part of the questionnaire as our AGM is only 2 months away and it would be fantastic to be able to get some of the changes implemented then.  The other sections of the BBL Questionnaire will be presented separately soon.

If any of you have any questions prior to the meeting please let me know!  All agenda items we have received have been incorporated into the agenda so don’t worry if you don’t see them mentioned – they will be covered by one of the other topics.  I have also made our Chairman aware of who has sent in what agenda points so he knows who to address. 

Along with the details for the Zoom meeting, the following documents have also been sent to secretaries and the delegates:

Agenda for October meeting

Minutes of February meeting (Draft)

Minutes of June meeting (Draft)

BBL Questionnaire Part 1 (Covering the following: Background info, BBL Rules, NIBA Rules)