Festival of Brass Returns

Brass Bands NI are delighted to announce the return of Festival of Brass following a 3 year hiatus.
The Maldron Hotel at Belfast International Airport will play host to this year’s event on Saturday 26th November which will see 7 of Northern Ireland’s premier brass bands competing for the title of Most Entertaining Band.
Each band will perform a mini-concert of approximately 20-30 minutes with a team of judges scoring them on the music and entertainment aspects of their programme.
Line-up on the day will be:
Dungannon Silver Band
Dynamic Brass (Lisburn)
CWA Brass (Carrickfergus)
Comber Silver Band
Laganvale (Metal Technology) Band (Belfast)
Third Carrickfergus Band
1st Old Boys Band (Belfast)
Doors open at 10:45am with first band onstage at 11.00am
Admission is £7 / £4 concession
Under 12s go FREE
Free Parking onsite for audience and competitors
Contact info@brassbandsni.org with any queries