COVID Guidance – Update 3rd August 2021

The Brass Band League has reviewed the recent updates to local Coronavirus Regulations and Guidance by the Northern Ireland Executive, particularly with regards to the new official guidance of 1m social distancing.
We have now updated our risk assessment template to reflect the official guidance however we would ask bands to consider that Northern Ireland currently has, by far, the highest rate of COVID infections per capita when compared with England, Scotland, Wales and Republic of Ireland.
It is therefore highly recommended that:
- Bands maintain distancing beyond 1m where practical to do so.
- Risk assessments should continue to be completed, irrespective of the numbers of people in attendance.
- A record of attendance at each rehearsal be retained for 28 days.
- Face coverings be worn by members when not in their seats.
- Forehead temperature of members is checked at the point of entry.
- Hand sanitiser be used at the point of entry and exit.
- No equipment (e.g. stands, music, chairs, percussion, mutes) should be shared.
- Each member uses a towel to collect any “water” from their instruments and towels are laundered between rehearsals.
- Bands hold rehearsals outdoors where feasible.
- For indoor rehearsals, windows and doors should be opened and enhanced ventilation systems be considered, where feasible.
- Bands consider the use of screens and/or bell covers.
Please remember that the closer people sit the higher the risk of transmission. The level of risk also increases if there are little or no mitigation measures in place.
The highest risk is using an indoor, crowded, poorly ventilated space for a long period of time.